Thursday 22 November 2007


Before distributingto:-Los players they will buy by the certain post. Short purchases (smaller to the solicitd ones) are not authorized-The players will put his before in the boat selecting “Estoy adentro”. Its bet will go by defect to the boat. In the menu of configuration of the game this option can be annulled.Distributing initialdistribution:El always distributes initially to the player who is next of his left and, following in the sense of the needles of the clock, will “dará cartas” to each player. Each one will receive a letter respectively mouth down, one second letter mouth down and one third mouth arrives well-known like “door card”. A round of bets is made beginning with the player with the lowest letter in value and wood, which knows like bet “forzosa” or “bring-in”, whose player can choose to bet a minimum post or the one greater one.The player with the letter of smaller value (the Ace as high letter) makes the bet unavoidable. The wood decides when two or more players have “cartas door” of the same value. The ranking of woods is the following one: goads, hearts, rhombuses and tréboles (the possible lowest letter is the Two of tréboles). This is the only time that the woods have a roll in the game.Fourth letter (4ta Avenida):La fourth letter is the following letter distributed in the game, that the players receive in hand, which is called “4ta avenida”. The distributor will burn a letter of above of the mallet and later he will begin distributing by the seated player to his left and will follow in the table in the sense of the needles of the clock. A letter occurs to each player mouth arrives and a round of bets is made beginning by the player who has the greater sum of points with two letters, which is denominated to “tener acción”.The player with the best hand in the board “tiene acción” and he can make the bet initial of the round or happen. In the case of tie between the players for the best hand, the player near the left of the distributor is more the one who has the action.In the case of some player of teaching a pair opened in 4ta reconciled in the Stud of fixed limit (that is, a game 4 to 8, in opposition to a game from 1 to 5), he can bet the greater quantity of the limit of the game, that normally is indisponible until 5ta reconciled.In the case of the player with the action of choosing to make the bet inferior limit, any other player in the hand can choose the ascent of inferior or superior limit. Made the bet superior limit by a player, all the later bets must be made in that superior level.Bets in the 7 Card Stud: The expression is used “pasa” if the player chooses not to bet (he yields the possibility of betting to following jugador).b) the player can “ir”, “subir” or “retirarse” if another person apuesta.c) If a player passes and another one aposta, the one that happened can as well elevate the bet of the other player, which is called to “pasar and subir”.El time to bet, to happen, to raise or to retire are of 10 seconds. If the player is not decided within this period, the game will put “all in” of the player.Fifth letter (5ta Avenida):La “5ta avenida” it is the following letter to be distributed in the game and will be the fifth letter that the players receive in hand. The distributor will burn a letter of above of the mallet and immediately he will begin distributing by the seated player to his left and will follow in the table in the sense of the needles of the clock. A letter occurs to each player mouth arrives and a round of bets is made beginning by the player who adds/sinks the greater number of points with three letters. All the bets and ascents in the games with limits determined to the highest limit are done beginning by 5ta reconciled and following by all the later avenues.Sixth letter (6ta Avenida):La “6ta avenida” it is the following letter to be distributed in the game and will be the sixth letter that the players receive in hand. The distributor will burn a letter of above of the mallet and immediately he will begin distributing by the seated player to his left and will follow in the table in the sense of the needles of the clock. A letter occurs to each player mouth arrives and a round of bets is made beginning by the player who adds/sinks the greater number of points with four letters.Seventh letter (River):El term “river” (river) one talks about the last letter that is distributed in the game, and is applied by most of the poker players. Invariably one begins by a burned letter and in the table the distributor will down distribute to a letter mouth in the sense of the needles of the clock.Exception!In the case of a game that eight players played until the sixth letter and now they wait for the last one, single it is left to the distributor one (1) letter in the mallet, which happens because 8 6 Xs = 48 letters + the 3 letters burned in 4ta, 5ta and 6ta reconciled totalize 51 letters. Here the rule is the following one: If there are in the mallet sufficient letters no to distribute the last letter to each one of the players, the distributor will calculate if the sum of burned letters and the letters of the mallet allow to down give to each player the last letter mouth. In case yes, the distributor mixes all - burned letters and those of the mallet - and distributes to the last letter to each jugador.Nunca are due to use retired letters of the game, therefore, if the distributor concludes that he cannot give to each player his own letter, he takes all burned letters, he will mix and give them to return a letter “para use of todos”. Confrontation Who standard first? In a live game, the players who teach their hand spontaneously normally are those that create to have a good opportunity to gain the boat, although in several situations the players watch themselves among them asking itself who will be first in teaching its letters. The game adopts the following general norm to avoid this: Who must teach first its letters is the player who has begun the action or the one that has made the last bet, ascent or repetition of subida.Esto mean basically that the player who had the last action in “river” it must teach his letters first and if it happened and also they passed all the players, then it must teach the first player who had the option to bet in the principle. If a player passes and another bet, then the one that bets will teach first its letters. If a player happens, another one aposta and soon another one raises, will teach first letters of whom the bet raised.Let us suppose that a player wins by defect Is necessary to teach the hand? The winners of a boat are not forced to teach their letters if the others not to say, if two or more players were playing and a player bets and el(los) otro(s) retira(n), then the player to it that gained the boat by defect have obligation to teach their letters. The winners can choose “enseñar” or “no enseñar”.They must teach to his letters the players who go in the bet or which they happen with “river”? The players do not need to teach their letters if and single if they did not have the last action when betting or to raise. If a player goes in a bet and he gives account of which he cannot win, he can retire or teach his letters. But if a player who was in the game until the end does not teach his hand, other players can investigate what hand had demanding the shipment of an electronic mail with the file of the hand.Who desire? In all the halls poker, the "letters speak". This means that the distributor will look for the best hand of 5 letters of the table and winner in agreement with the universal ranking will proclaim to it of poker.En theory is the possibility that two or more players have the best hand of five letters. If there is tie between two or more players, the distributor “dividirá” the boat in equal parts between all the winners.