Friday 23 November 2007


Ungar was born in New York in 1953 and grew in the slums of the east. A professional player at the age of 14 years became, a year after the death of his father and of which her mother underwent a apoplexy attack. In order to maintain to his sister and her family, he decided to let the school. Its intellectual capacity was the one of a genius and its photographic memory already had served to him to skip several degrees of its primary education.Stu was an incredible player of gin rummy. At the age of 10 years, in 1963, it gained his first match while it was of vacations with his parents.It was going to see the games with his padrino and one seated to watch. When that remained almost without cards, it asked the others if they would allow that the boy played since was tired very; the other players not knowing to which they faced, accepted sincerely thinking that it would be task easy of gaining that boy to him. And then Stu remained its money yet.At the age of 14 years, it played with regularity and it won to the best players in New York. To the 15 years it left the studies without finishing, when a well-known runner of bets paid to him buy-in of 500 dollars for a great match of gin rummy. Stu gained 10,000 dollars of prize without losing a single hand, a record still imbatido in the halls game of New York. One week later, after giving to its parents 1,000 dollars, lost the rest in the race course.It began to have problems with the Mafia when having money to them and no longer it obtained that played with him. Stu was changed to Miami where the games of Gin Rummy were more substantial.In 1976 it arrived at Fertile valleys, in bankruptcy situation. It had to play giving advantages so that they seated with him; it played by the number that the opponent said and she always showed a letter to him. Somehow it found money and it entered a match of 50,000 dollars. In the two last hands it foretold with success letters of the overcome player. This show was something that generated certain problems for Stu, caused that their adversaries feared to him and in just a short time anybody wanted to seat in its table. As a result of it, it was to him impossible to play if it did not do it in matches.Then it decided to prove luck in the Black Jack. One night in the Caesar Palace of Fertile valleys gained 83,000 dollars but the manager stopped the game. Stu foretold the 18 last naipes that they lacked to leave in a single card pack. It was the principle of the aim for tables of Black Jack of a single mallet. They were cleared of the Caesar and later of other casinos. From then, in almost any casino of the world Black Jack with four card packs gambles at least. The photo of Stu was put in the quarters of security of dozens of casinos. Stu was prohibited of by life in many of them.On the other hand, Ungar offered to bet to nobody interested 10,000 dollars to that he could say which were the letters of both last mallets of a total of 6. That is to say, six mallets of naipes were mixed, the 4 were taught to Stu first and he could say which were the letters of both that lacked. Nobody paid its bet.In January of 1977 Stu Ungar it was crossed Bob Stupak. The millionaire bet 10 to 1 (100,000 dollars, against 10,000 of Stu) to that this he could not say letters of the 3 last mallets of naipes of a total of 6. Of he more is saying than Ungar said to them which were the 156 remaining letters without being mistaken in a single one. This bet marked the beginning of a great friendship between these two personages.In 1980 to the 24 years of age, Ungar almost played and gained its first WSOP without experience in Texas Hold'em Poker NL. As of that moment, the press called Stu "The Kid" Ungar.Heads up played it with the consecrated and well-known Doyle Brunson. In the final hand Stu it had and Doyle. Brunson does raise pre-flop and Stu paga… The Flop brings. Raisea Brunson with one doubles pair and "The Kid", with project of internal stairs payment. The Turn brings. Stu obtains stairs and does raise. Doyle pushes all its cards. Stu pays. The River aid to anybody and does not begin to weave a legend. The great Stu Ungar gains its first WSOP, with a prize of 375,000 dollars.In 1981 it returns to the WSOP and it gains by 2.ª time. It had played single twice, a record broken and single not shared with Johnny Moss, winner of two first editions of the WSOP.The Head-up played it against Perry Green. The hand of Stu was and the one of Green. In pre-flop, Stu does raise and Green pays it. The Flop brought, giving to Stu 9 outs him for color more of overcards, and 8 outs for opened 6 stairs to Green. This last one does all-in and Stu pays. The Turn brought and the River. This letter determined the winner of the WSOP of year 1980, with a prize of 385,000 dollars. The legend already was reality.For the WSOP of 1997, in Fertile valleys, Stu did not have the money necessary to enter the Championship. However, one hour before the beginning an anonymous benefactor paid the entrance to him of 10,000 dollars. The bets were 100 to 1 in his against... But to the two hours to have initiated, already it was the favorite. Four days later, the greater reappearance in the poker history had happened and the record of three victories in the established WSOP, palmarés that shares until the present time with Johnny Moss.Heads up was played against John Strzemp and the final hand was thus:Stu received and its opponent. Stu raised $40,000 and his adversary equaled. The Flop brought. Strzemp did raise of $120,000 and Stu pushed all its fichasal center of the table. His adversary did the same. The Turn brought and the River. Stu completed the stairs and the first prize of $1.000.000 took.After the match, Ungar declared: "it really did not need the money, but they walked saying that I no longer could play and who had the destroyed head. And I got tired. They hurt my pride. So I ate well, I slept and I made sure to be in form to play. If sometimes they want to sell videos on how to play the poker, they must to me have filmed in that championship: it was not a letter game; it was pure beauty ".Two months later, the abuse of narcotics returned to take to him to the ruin and was living in a cheap and demolished apartment.However, Ungar was able the 10,000 dollars to register in the world-wide series of year 1998. But shortly before the beginning, megafonía of the event announced that the champion could not be in favor present of reasons for health. In a room of the same Stu building it watched the television without sound, wire drawing in a sofa.Shortly after it said: "He was ready to lower, already bathed and dressed, but I watched myself in the mirror and I realized of which he was terrible: it seemed left Auschwitz. I thought that it was not going to be able to play ten hours during four days followed, and in addition to do it like the Gods. There I realized of which the previous year was receiving me toll ".Altogether it gained 10 matches with buy-in of more than 5,000 dollars of Texas NL of approximately the 30 that played! We are speaking of the best poker player Texas NL of all the times. In order to do an idea to us, during many years 2.º more important match of the world was the Yellow Super Slim's Bowl. The maximum match of this Super Bowl had buy-in of 10,000 dollars, like the WSOP. The best players of the world competed in him during many years and Stu Ungar gained three times, like the WSOP.Some anecdotes of the legend.The first time in its life that stepped on a golf field lost 80,000 dollars.During his life it lost several million dollars in a golf field, sport that did not handle absolutely.Once in Palm Springs it had concurred with other three friends to a place that had been recommended them like the best one in meals of the city. When entering they asked to them if they had reserves and Stu responded that no; who took care of them indicated that it was impossible to obtain a place to them if they did not have a place asked for ahead of time; Stu removed 100 dollars and it said to him that if somebody its reserve needed, they would be in the bar hoping. Once installed they decided to request a drink and when Ungar tried to request his, the barman asked for an identification to him. Stu, angry, responded to him: "But if I am 35 years old". Amiably they responded to him that it could be truth, but that had appearance of a young person and that had to exhibit an identification or they could not serve alcohol to him. Then Stu removed a roll from 10,000 bills of dolares approximately of each pocket and said: "This is my identification. Adolescent what would walk with as much money raises ".It played games of ping-pong against Chinese champions, by 5,000 dollars.It destroyed a Mercedes Benz and five Jaguars to find the excuse to buy others.It did not go to the White House when Reagan invited it because she did not know what places setting to use in the table.The only time that programmed a machine so that it won to him to the Gin Rummy, destroyed it. "puta machine seemed to have espasmos. She was histérica. It only knew to calculate, and with that it does not reach ".Her daughter tells that his father gave gratuities of 100 dollars by invoices of 50.Up of Texas Hold'em gained $ to him 5.000.000 to Larry Flint in heads Poker NL.Some phrases of the great Stu."Sometimes they saw the film that directed Robert De Niro in whom a boy of the Bronx is sponsored person by a gangster one? Good, thus she was I. The fourteen years somebody began to support to me. My father was a lifter of bets, of the important ones. He handled the Fox's Corner, a bar in the Second and Seven, New York. I was born in 1953 and I grew up surrounded by types of the Mafia "."If it had to categorizar, it would say that gin-rummy is the one that depends more on the player. Later the poker and backgammon would come "."What did with which it won? It went to the races. That that said that the money burns in the pocket was speaking of me. Some they say to me better pathological. For me everything is reduced to that the action is more important than the money. In Lake Tahoe, I played parties of pingpong against Chinese champions by five thousand dollars. In Italy I learned a game that is called Ziganet, in where bet more fort than in any other game. In a race course I knew a lifter bets who let bet to me by a horse to see if he entered last. I am an addict one of the action. It would bet until in a race of cockroaches "."the Fertile valleys are the paradise for degenerated nobody. It is possible to be played the twenty-four hours. When just I arrived and I had left without cards, they want to know who financed to me? Tony Spilotro, the type to which Joe Pesci supposedly interprets in the film Casino "."Not even it needed to use my money to play. It always obtained somebody that rendered to me. For them it was the business more surely. With limited bets it was more difficult, but when they let to me play without limit they untied a monster: I have more eggs than any other player, and I do not have any respect by the value of plastic cards. When somebody defies to me, it does not concern good type how is: I am going it to hate. Perhaps they are its eyebrows. Generally it is the stupid face that sticks to them in the face when they gain a hand. What will be. If somebody wants to me to win, me the volume like something personal. And I must hate to somebody to win to him "."it used the cocaine In the beginning to be able to continue playing. But when tenés hundreds of thousands in cash, persecute to you until your house for ofrecértela "."It bet to everything: in what round and with what hand noqueaba Holyfield to Tyson; how many difference points and how many expelled it was going to have in an American soccer match. And, which did not bet, it inhaled it. Thus it is easy to lose fortunes. I must have the record of destroyed television sets. Although now I think that, in fact, it wanted to lose everything to have to return to play the poker "."one goes away. They are not the women, because no longer I am playboy. But one goes away: horses, sports, any thing "."I really do not know if there is life without bets. If there is it, I do not create to be able to enjoy it. The only moment in that I have some respect by the money is when I always do not have... but with himself anybody that finances to me. The problem is that the poker no longer stimulates so much to me. Step most of the time hibernando. I leave to play single when I need something of money. And I do not like to lose. I do not want that never nobody says that I am a good loser. Because somebody that is a good loser, by better that it is, is only a loser ".Its passage to immortality.The 22 of November of 1998, in the Motel Oasis of Fertile valleys, found to Stu without life. The investigation determined that its body had cocaine, metadona and Percodan. It was said officially that the death was accidental, caused by a coronary insufficiency. The doses of cocaine in their body were not high; the Percodan is an analgesic one used to be able to sleep, when the addict ones are high in consumption.It was again in the bankruptcy, his friend Bob Stupak, the one of bet 10 to 1, had offered him work like crupier, the cancellation of all his debts and a 2,000 advance of dólares… Were 800 in their pocket.