Friday 23 November 2007


It was born in the West of Texas in 1933 in a town of about 100 inhabitants called Longworth. His father was the one in charge of the gymnasium of the town and this caused that Doyle was there while the other boys made other things. This gave like result a great sportsman.Brunson knew that the only possibility of being able to go to the University from that small town, where most of his members they were farmers, was in obtaining an athletic scholarship. The player of more valuable basketball of the state of Texas was considered and won the state championship of the mile. This last profit meant to him but of 100 supplies to attend the university, but Doyle chose the one of Abilene that was to only 40 miles of its native town.Los Angeles Lakers was interested in him, but an injury in its knee finished with all its sport race. Brunson never could recover totalemente of this injury and, because of her, it uses today in a muleta to walk. Our pro finished the University with the title of Masters in Administrative Education. At first, it thought about dedicating itself to teaching, but when it knew of the amounts of payment, it decided to leave this idea. At this point Doyle already was an experienced poker player.It had a single time a regular work, where it had to sell articles for office. When it received its first payment and it observed that this meant what could bet in pote, decided definitively to leave it, after 15 days of to have begun. From then its life it happened to be over the poker tables that could obtain in Texas and its environs. At that time to be able to play and to survive the attempt was all a feat. The game was necessary to take care of itself, was prohibited, the traps much were at your service of the day, the assaults very were reiterated and the best games were in the world underground, where the tables were integrated by true maleantes, but when saying of Doyle they were those that did of the poker which today is since they played the best and but expensive poker that existed.Thus it went as Brunson knew later Sailor Roberts and another legend of the poker, Slims Yellow. To them it conformed an iron society to travel and to play together the poker. When to remember those moments, Brunson says that then was very difficult to know game and his probabilities as understands it today, since they did not exist computers that helped in the work, reason why spent nights without sleeping with Yellow analyzing situations and discussing over strategies. In this sense, Doyle indicates to Slims like one of but the acute analysts.Brunson also learned much of Johnny Moss, to that considered like the best poker player of the world in years 50. Doyle always has thought that in this game the letters are not most important. There is a well-known anecdote where a player makes raise pre-flop and Doyle moves all-in, the player pays the bet with a pair and Doyle as soon as he had Q8. In that hand it was removed from the match next to another player. When analyzing this moved said that it had taken a reading of the situation and that then did not concern the letters that it had in the hand, that thought that pote could gain and for that reason it bet of that way. Any other player probably had foldeado with that pair of letters in the hand. Brunson affirms that nobody can stay therefore time in a match without receiving a single pair in everything afternoon –como had happened to him to him without doing some of these valiant plays. Brunson concludes that it could play the poker without watching letters, if their adversaries did not know that he was not seeing them.Brunson is recognized being one of the players who have more fought to maintain and to cause the chivalry and good behavior in the world of this game. DecĂ­a:"yo would not make deal with a person when I need to sign a contract for it; if I cannot watch it to the eyes and take its word, I do not want to deal with him ".His Todd son is also a great poker player. In 2005, the WSOP has managed to be the first father and son in obtaining a bracelet in the same series.File WSOPDoyle Brunson has gained the greater event of the twice consecutive WSOP (feat that also obtained Johnny Moss, Stu Ungar and Johnny Chan). It has 10 bracelets.