Friday 23 November 2007


Greg Raymer(The Fossilman), been born in Dakota of the North and residing at the moment in Connecticut, born in June of the year 1962, fué champion of the WSOP in maint event in year 2.004.Estadía knew poker during his in the faculty right, playing by currencies of ten cents with friends of the brotherhood, although he usually played black jack and used east game like a way to obtain some money adicional.Una received time and being Lawyer of an important company of pharmaceutical patents, looking for started off of Black Jack, he was with a match of poker charity and he played it to amuse itself. Once finalized this one it decided to learn more on this one game.It bought whichever book of poker found (first fué “Teoría of the Poker” of Skalnsky) and it affirms that the authors whom but it likes are: Sklansky, Mason Malmuth and Ray Zee, say respect to them that it has never found an error in his books and that sometimes one can not be in agreement with its concepts, but cannot be taken to this like an error. It thus knew RGP (group of the news of the Internet of and fué ascending $3-$6 towards $20-$40 and possibly $150-$300 in Connecticut.Asegura that from a principle included/understood that the poker was something more than a game of mathematics and statistics, but fué the first that seted out to learn, studying thorough thing all these questions. “Pude to do this in a time relatively corto” just after that it undertook the study of the questions not-mathematics of the juego.Abogado one by the day, poker player at night, continued participating in the charity games that were made around Chicago, to a large extent $3-6 Hold'em and Omaha.It lives to 6 miles of Foxwood and is where its poker plays at the moment in vivo.En year 2,000, Raymer did the final table in World-wide the Sport End of Poker, finishing thirdly with a prize of $49.000. Of all ways it finished disappointed not to gain the match. In year 2,002 first participation in the WSOP was his and finished cerc to de80 in the greater event and according to his commentaries it was left outside by bad beat smaller. In year 2,003 it comments that vió outside quickly by a bad decision hers.Greg began to play much poker online in PokerStars, which helped to improve much its game in short-handed and head-up. Also it gained the classification for the WSOP of the 2,004 through a match there satellite. Its life was on the verge of changing for always. Record managed to win less to anything than to 2,575 players –un until that moment remaining with the world-wide title in a memorable hand.Hardly finished the match, Gregory assured in an interview that it was very far from being the best poker player of the world. This gesture of excellent humility fué in, being that had gained the great match but of the history of the world-wide poker until that moment.He was the second consecutive player who gains the world-wide series of poker, obtaining his seat through a satellite organized by PokerStars, the previous one was Chris Moneymaker (2.003)When they requested to him that it explained the reasons of his victory, Raymer talked about its ability to control its emotions. "Normally, it would be difficult to play the best game during one week debilitating. Nevertheless, for some reason, I was very barren and I guessed right during all the week, and caused that very few plays that I thought were errors once decision was taken. Desire to know why I maintained my mental processes so constant, thus could assure to me to repeat them in each torneo.”These debilitating competitions are every time but and mentions to Give Harrington: “Ningún player of but of 45 years will return to gain it nunca”, and Raymer says smiling “le creo”.It assures that the first purchase that made with the money of the prize was two laptops one for him and another one for their wife, each one cost but of which he had never spent in a PC.Before beginning the greater event of the world-wide series of the 2,005 they asked to him since it had varied its game after being the world-wide champion to win, and said that what vió forced to clear of their strategy was the lights, “todo the world wants to tell its friends that they have eliminated the champion of the world of some match, I cannot do faroles”, “eso makes difficult much my game when I have few fichas”.It considered in this interview that the possibilities of gaining the match of a player top, were 1000 – 1. Nevertheless it managed to remain in position 25 in this competition between but of 5,000 players, demonstrating that its title of the previous year was not chance and corroborating its affirmations in the interview before the match, with few cards tried a light and was eliminated. Its favorite gameOmaha Hi and the Seven-Card Stud High/Low. It does not like Limit Hold'em.Style of gameAggressive and solid, although it says that it adapts it according to those who are the adversaries of the table and the size of its battery of fichas.Raymer is aggressive, but nonidiot, surely whatever will assume dangerous confrontations has certain advantage on the adversary.How it obtains this?It assures that it obtains much data watching at his adversaries, not only considers the form to bet if it does not form it to breathe of his opponents. Usually the players undergo forts emotions when betting and that accelerates its pulsations, which is reflected in its breathing and also in its pulse, this learned it studying in chemistry the process of the adrenalin in the human body.Sure it affirms quickly, “hay players like Gus Hansen who as soon as they modify its pulsations when they make its bets, I have taken ahead a testeo during a EPT match, in an recorded tape, and we have noticed that my pulsations have stayed constants enough during competencia.”Two advice for the players who begin:1. - You never bet money that you cannot be given the luxury to lose. 2. - He invests and he buys good books. Raymer has signed a contract to make a book of matches of poker next to 2+2 Malmuth and editará.Raymer are without doubt one of the best ambassadors of the poker in the world, because in addition to being a world-wide champion always it is arranged to give an interview or to speak with that requires it of this sport, his jovial character is recognized in this world.Its nickname: Fossilman – due to its affection by the fossil collection and its odd habit to always take them to the table of poker like amulet.Also known to use outlandish eyeglasses in each table to which one feels, and with humor it says on the matter: “No I am as crazy as I not still seem, if peor”.